The Kilt-de-sac of FIRE!! (Yes - it is spelled incorrectly on purpose)
Nine years ago, Rachel May and I went to a party at Aaron Smith's because she thought he was dreamy. There I met one Paul Sampson - who wouldn't even talk to me :) Nine years later, Rachel and Aaron are married with four kids, and Paul and I have our three. Every year we get together (Paul and I invite ourselves) with the Smith family and enjoy the 4th together.
Rachel May Smith Aaron & Blake Smith (& someone I don't know)
They draw a big chalk circle for fireworks. Many people spend lots of money at Muckleshoot reservation on fireworks.
The opening ceremonies are smoke bombs of every color.
Then - comes the tank wars! My favorite part. This year we bought several large tanks, several small tanks, and one awesome attack fighter jet with multiple rockets. It pretty rocked the battle and took out a ton of tanks. Jack was loving it!
When the time comes we gather our belongings and walk to Lake Meridian in Kent and watch the fireworks show over the lake. It is beautiful - this year was the best I have ever seen.
This is Kenzie before and after the fireworks. She didn't really enjoy the loud noises and her and I spent a lot of time in the house hiding :)
Thanks to Smiths for letting us be part of this awesome 4th of July tradition.