Sunday, August 26, 2012

Canadian Adventure Part 5 - Cousins and Randomness

Here is a bunch of Random photos.

Our final  "Canadian" experience was to visit Tim Hortons - a donut and sandwich shop that is ALL over Canada.  It was a very tasty brunch!
Here are some cute cousin pictures

It happened to be my black day....I mean my birthday while we were there.  Nathan and Kathy did a really great job helping me celebrate.  I woke up and they had balloons and streamers hung up throughout the house.  They also bought me Doritos and Oreos - things that are unheard of at this Buckley house and physically hurt Kathy to buy :)  They also made me a really great cake - and Cooper helped put all the candles on - it was a big flame.

Leah had her first cake and really really enjoyed it!
On the way home there was an accident on the two lane highway that we had to go through.  We looked at this view for a good solid hour....awesome.

We also ran in to a really good storm and found this fantastic rainbow.  It kept getting bigger and brighter, then went to a double full rainbow.  It was the most vibrant, beautiful rainbow I have ever seen.


And that was our vacation!

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