Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hail, The Zoo and the best baseball tickets EVER!

We have had a wild week at the Sampson house.

Living in Washington we get a significant amount of  rain.  We don't see a lot of snow, hail, thunder, lightening....mostly just clouds and rain.  So when it hails we usually stop and watch.  This hail storm came and then  left, and then came back and the heavens opened and hailed for a good 5 minutes.  The kids ran outside and took buckets to collect the hail.  We ended up with an inch of hail.  Pretty crazy.
Jaron wanted to put the "crunch ice" in a soda for me and starting collecting it off the ground.  As sweet as that is, I didn't take him up on it!

The next adventure - learning to trim the dog!  Poor Mosley - we went a little short :)

Earlier this week Paul was handed some baseball tickets a vendor had given his office.  We made arrangement to leave Jaron with Aunt Emily (thanks Emily and Brian), and Jack, Kenzie, Paul and I went to the game.  Little did we know what exactly we were getting!
The tickets were two rows behind home plate and were part of the Diamond Club!  This means that all of our food and drink were part of the ticket.  We got to partake in a 5 star buffet before the game began.  Then during the game we could fill out a form and our attendant (Joe) would come get it and bring us back our stuff.  It was AWESOME!
The game lasted 14 innings....Kenzie only lasted about 6 :)  She was a trooper though so we didn't leave until the top of the 12th inning.  We actually made it home with the kids in bed and still had time to finish watching the game.
The last adventure was the 1st grade fieldtrip to Woodland Park Zoo!  It was so much fun!
Hopefully this next week will be a little quieter :)

1 comment:

Sorensen said...

How fun! Those tickets were amazing!