Monday, October 11, 2010

Wenatchee Adventures...

We went to visit our friends the Sorensens who have recently moved to Wenatchee WA (about 2.5 hrs North East of our house). We went down to the farmers market, and then visited a really cool old timey soda shop called "The Owl". The kids all got ice cream sundae's and Paul shared his shake with Jaron

After we were all sugared up we went on a walk over a bridge to the Columbia River where the park had a collection of interesting art.

The kids were mostly excited about the giant acorns we found. Jack had an entire pocket full to bring back to our squirrels that live in our yard. Wish I had taken a picture, but I got a purse full of acorns instead :)

While we were at the park, Ben and Mauvia noticed a little train station. The volunteers that ran the train were just killing time between birthday parties - so they took us for a ride free of charge. It was really fun and a great experience for the kids.

Train conductor - didn't catch his name so we called him "Bob"

Oh - the big news - I met my new boyfriend at the soda shop...

Paul didn't like that much (ha ha)

So - I let Greysen move in on my turf...Grey is cuter anyway :)

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