Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random cuteness...and the beard

Getting the Christmas tree decorated - so pretty :)

Santa riding on a reindeer - then they switched roles. Oddly enough they are the same size from head to bum...Kenzie just has slightly larger legs, but Jaron has larger feet. Pretty crazy that they are two years apart.

We went and saw Tangled for cousin Hailey's birthday in 3-D (thanks Andrew)...we kept the glasses :) Kenzie thought they were sun glasses and wore them on the trip home from Utah - until she fell asleep.

Jaron didn't understand the picture and pulled his own face.

Jack got to go on a limo ride to the fire station for raising his goal during the fund raiser. We had a really great time.

Kenzie was "reading" to the other kids. Family - notice Jaron's wizard cape? Yes, that is Grandma Howell's apron. It has become a wizard cape and we have to fight him to take it off at night. I will try to post some other pictures.

The Beard...Oh - the beard.

Justin and Paul decided to grow out "nasty" facial hair for the Buckley family photos this year. The picture above is before we left for Utah. He trimmed on Thanksgiving morning - truly disgusting.

He did shave before the picture - but not before they got the reaction they were looking for from the mother-in-law :)


Sorensen said...

Paul looks like a porn star! Tate was so happy to see pictures of Kenzie!

Emily said...

Mauvia...just how would YOU know what a porn star looks like? I'm shocked! That is a pretty nasty beard, though. Hope it got a great reaction.