Saturday, April 2, 2011

Congratulations Brian and Emily Criddle!!

Emily (Paul's sister) and Brian were married on March 24th and we are so happy for them!

The kids were pretty good while we were waiting for the wedding. Thank heaven for video games :)

Emily bought them all new clothes (wahoo for free easter clothes!) They all looked so great. We got a great picture of Ian and Gail, and then Paul and I took one of our own.

They had a photo booth for people to take pictures, and then leave one for them in a scrapbook. It was so much fun - we took up an entire page.

Paul taught Jaron a new trick - it was a lot of fun to watch him. This kept him happy through a few minutes of the open house :)

We are so excited for Emily and Brian!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I think I remember Paul doign that trick in the singles ward, lol...cute pics.