Sunday, July 17, 2011

Running Crazy....

I have run several races the last couple of months and wanted to post my accomplishments and brag a little bit ;)I ran the Sound to Narrows 5k with Zanda and Roger Nelson - It was really fun but we didn't see the Sound or the Narrows bridge :)

I ran the Rock n' Roll Half Marathon for the second year and beat my goal time by 5 minutes. I was slower than last year, but considering I had major surgery the first of the year and didn't a lot of training time - I still feel really good about it.

Last weekend I had the awesome opportunity to run in the Warrior Dash - 3.55 miles and 12 obstacles that included jumping over fire, climbing over junkyard cars, crawling under barbed wire through a foot of soft mud, and 8 other very scary obstacles. We received an awesome Viking helmet, a medal, a cool t-shirt, and a gigantic turkey leg. I ran it with DeAnn and her niece Kaylee. It was totally filthy, but SO much fun. Thanks DeAnn for giving me this experience for my birthday!!

Here are some before the race pictures:

After the race we were hosed down by a giant fire hose to get all the mud off. We changed clothes and got a turkey leg...then headed home for a shower!

I'm hanging up my shoes for a few months and just doing "good for me" running - no more challenges for a while!

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