Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pinewood Derby 2012

January...oh wait...due to snow we have to reschedule......

February - Pinewood Derby 2012
With the reschedule it added a high level of crazy. (Huge thanks to the Knight family for helping make it all happen and also Bro. Rosen for stepping in last minute and being our official score keeper). The track was up in the primary room and it turned out really great.
The Brothers Knight helped out a lot. The elder brother Knight was there to make every car weighed in appropriately and brought all the tools in case they needed some adjustment. The younger knight was my wonderful assistant and helped hand all the cars and make sure I was putting them on the right track.
Here are the cars - the official and Kenzie's unofficial car that we used to test the track :)
We had a really good crowd - all of the boys except one were able to make it!!
Jack won the award for "Best Workmanship"

The Knights all made cars and we held a special race for them - yes, one was a butterfly and another was a dress. Super creative!!!

1 comment:

ray-ray says said...

dude...I can hardly wait for Corgan's in April.