Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kilt-O-Sac of Fire 2012

Every year the Smith family holds the most amazing barbecue and firework show loving called the Kilt-O-Sac of Fire.  It is actually where Paul and I met 12ish year ago...kinda crazy!
Aaron and his display of fireworks - neatly organized by use....

The opening ceremony....smoke bombs of many colors

The tank war preparation.  This year we found an "airport" and all of the tanks, including team USA, were attacking the airport. 

The airport doesn't stand a chance!

The battle....

After the battle was over we pile the carnage up and Aaron threw in a firework to start the burning....the fireworks are called Blue Balls

Despite the crazy name (and inappropriate position - Aaron) - the Blue Balls did the trick and were rellly fun to watch!

Jack and Paul had a separate one on one battle - this was Jack's first year to light fireworks and he really had a great time.


The cleanup....(looking good Lael!)

Sunset over Lake Meridian - so beautiful!

Waiting for the lake fireworks

Thanks so much Smith Family for letting us be part of this - it was AWESOME!

1 comment:

Sorensen said...

looks like so much fun!