Thursday, July 29, 2010

July Catch Up....

July has been a crazy month at the Sampson house. The biggest news - we saw a moose!! We were at the Buckley cabin east of Park City and we were playing "Pooh sticks" on the bridge(consult your Winnie the Pooh if you don't know what that is - it is really fun). We walked back across the bridge and right behind us came this adult moose. I hurriedly (and a bit frantically) rushed the kids in to the car and watched the moose from the back window. It was awesome!
Here are some other pictures of us at the cabin. Yes - that's Paul, not the CHIPS officers :)

Other than that - the sun has come out in Washington. Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying it.

We love SUMMER!

1 comment:

Sorensen said...

HELLO!! You left out the most important, most fun and only slightly drama filled part of July! Scary moose!